Our History
IEHIO was formed in March 2017, following the merger of Inland Empire Health Information Exchange (IEHIE) and Cal INDEX to form Manifest MedEx (MX), a statewide HIE. IEHIO is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Riverside County Medical Association, a 501(c)6 organization, provides fiscal and administrative services to IEHIO.
Directors serving on the IEHIO Board include Chair Tarek Mahdi, MD, Riverside Family Physicians; Secretary of Treasury Vikram Kumar, MD, Riverside University Health System Chief Information Officer; Richard Rajaratnam, MD, LLUHS Chief Integration Officer; Shantharam Pai, MD; Susie White, IEHP Chief Operating Officer; Alison Elsner, San Bernardino County Medical Society Executive Director; Genia Fick, IEHP Vice President of Quality and Dolores Green, Riverside County Medical Association Executive Director.
Roles and Responsibilities

IEHIO’s purpose is two-fold. Our first purpose is to provide regional linkage support between healthcare stakeholders in the Inland Empire and Manifest MedEx to:
Drive HIE utilization in ways that address local priorities and use cases for sharing data.
Continue to expand HIE participation in the Inland Empire.
Coordinate data sharing services for treatment at the point of care.
Coordinate for care management and population health analytics specific to participant needs and programs.
Promote a community-wide data sharing model that improves healthcare for all residents of the Inland Empire.
IEHIO’s second purpose is to support IEHP’s Health IT projects through Connect IE, a community resource platform whose mission is to connect providers to data, patients to resources, and the community to better care.